Saturday, April 03, 2004


"Thrush." It sounds almost wholesome, like a bird from a Shakespearian sonnet. Well it makes mom cry; it makes baby cry; it makes daddy cry and daddy doesn't actually have it. Jaime was having enormous pain and thought that she was failing at developing proper feeding technique. Come to find out, this was the problem. It is being treated and she is doing much better. David on the other hand is suffering from some serious gas in the lower GI. There are three possible causes that we know of (listed in order of potential severity): 1) a growth spurt--something we can't do anything about, but should pass soon; 2) The Thrush is fermenting the milk in his bowels-- we are treating him for this with medication but it could still last a couple of weeks; 3) Colic--there is actually no reason to suspect this right now, but it makes the blog a little more dramatic.

Stay tuned, drama fans.

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