Tuesday, April 27, 2004

i miss my son

It is 10:21 pm and I am taking a break from making little mounts for little icons to post some of the latest.

David rolled over for the first time yesterday or the day before; this week is sort of a blur.

I got to witness it.

On videotape.

As we prepare for the upcoming exhibition, I am at work pretty much all of the time for a few weeks. I find that thoughts of my very cute baby boy just randomly pop into my head while I am working.

Boss--"So we can place this case here, and then this icon here to show the blah blah blah. . ."
Me--"This morning David was sooo cute; he blah blah blah"

I am really really grateful for the videotape, but I'm pretty disappointed that I was not there. On the other hand, if I had been there, he probably would not have had the opportunity to roll. He is not really fond of being on his stomach, you see. Jaime lays him down on a little padded mat and he is not sure what to do. He is not clear on the concept of turning his head one way or another so he just eats play mat. He also stays curled up so his knees are folded under him causing his bottom to stick up in the air and his face to press even harder into the mat. His arms are underneath his chest providing something of a fulcrum for further pressure of the face against the mat. None of this amounts to being held or being fed so on the whole he is very upset and crying. The roll over is not so much a conscious decision as it is the result of pitiful, desperate flailing with his pinned little arms countered by the weight of his bottom way up in the air. Eventually he pushes just right and then topples over. Jaime correctly insists that this is necessary. He has to be on his tummy in order to develop to the crawling stage which is necessary to get him to the crawling over and tearing up my books stage. Had I been there, I would have given in and picked him up and carried him away to safety swinging from building to building on webs that shoot from my wrists. As a result, he would never learn to crawl, which is better for my books, but would bad in his first job interview.

I also hear that he is over 10 pounds now. Note, I don't think that he has grown and inch in length since birth. Apparently, part of the rolling-over developmental stage is getting to be adequately round so as to roll more easily.

Jaime says that he has another trick on the mat. When he is gassy crying and cannot be comforted, she can lay him tummy down and he will fuss and fart a lot for several minutes and then fall asleep. She took pictures that I will post as soon as I am home for more than ten minutes.

Later sleepy-heads.

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