Tuesday, December 20, 2005


It sure is lousy being you.

They say that you should never judge another person until you have walked a mile in their shoes, or read their blog, or read your own blog from their point of view.

If you follow me.

David and Jaime are in Colorado to experience Grandma Susie in real life rather than as a disembodied voice that comes out of the phone. So I am utterly alone--except for Mom and Alex and Tuff and Abbie. I think they will forgive me for saying that it is not the same. To help sooth my lonesome heart, I thought I would read the blog. But it hasn't been updated in, like, two weeks. Even the pictures, though the most adorable on the Web, are dated and two weeks in toddler time is even longer than in tech time. Those responsible should be shot.

David and Jaime are doing well, I hear. I talk to both of them daily. They have snow and a dog and a jacuzi tub and a great big cat. For the commuter flight from Denver to Eagle, they had to walk out to the plane on the tarmac. It was running and very noisy and scared David. He is also scared of the water jets on the tub. Actually, it a little funny and a little refreshing to see him shy away from something. At this point, he is doing gymnastics on the stairs and tries to ride the dogs. So it is actually a relief to see him show a little bit of caution every now and again.

I will leave on Thursday morning to go see them, but I am spending the night tomorrow at Jason's, so I will not be able to update. Not that you will notice the difference--apparently.

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