Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Not always what they seem....

OK, that last post was sent a WEEK ago and FINALLY posted.  Stupid internet.
He eats a lot more than a tablespoon.  He is up to almost a half a jar a sitting.  And no matter how much begging and pleading we do he will not eat the cereal.  If we want to see projectile vomiting for old times sake we give him some, but other than that we have given up on it.  Next week is mom's all time fav, green beans.
So, the teeth.  Teeth.  Teeth.  Teeth.  Teeth. 
The word has lost all meaning to me.   Teeth.
I used to love teeth.  Bright shinny teeth.  Grandpa O plays with teeth all day.  Keeps em nice and smooth.  Love the teeth.  Alas, no more.
Teeth are evil.  Vile.  Loud.  Screaming.  Pain in the.........
And not just evil in a, put your pinkie finger to the corner of your mouth Evil.  I'm talkin' total and complete evil.  The kind that keeps you up ALL NIGHT LONG.  With the screaming and the screaming and the spitting the bink out with the force of a bullet.
After a while your finger ventures in and you discover a new feeling.  The top of the tooth. 
Hooray!  It's hear!, you scream.  It broke the skin.  The sun is shinning.  The fuss is over.  Life is back to normal.
Your tongue counts the number of teeth you have in your head and you realize you have that many more nights x3 of the screaming and the screaming and the spitting the bink out with the force of a bullet.

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